Help RMM Welcome Asylum-Seekers in Rural New York


We have all read about the plight of recent refugees to New York City and the tremendous pressure upon them to survive, let alone thrive. The city and the state have, by and large, focused upon their presence in NYC. There are, however, many opportunities for these men, women and children in rural New York.

Upstate New York has lost population in recent years, and as a result, many farms and other businesses are searching for workers. There are also many organizations committed to welcoming asylum-seekers, that can be supportive if they have access to the resources that the city and state have questionably been spending.

Rural & Migrant Ministry is in the position to be a catalyst for bringing organizations and congregations together, not only to welcome refugees, but also ensure their wellbeing and prevent them from being exploited. Our experience in advocacy, working in rural areas and ensuring youth wellbeing (a special concern identified by recent articles in the New York Times) puts us in a good position to welcome people into the programs of RMM's Centers.

For RMM to play a stronger role in welcoming the foreigner in our midst, we need volunteers who are willing to help set up and coordinate our efforts. We are looking for folks who have experience in organizing programs and coalitions, dealing with governmental agencies and finding additional resources. We want to put together a team to help us move forward. Please let us know if you are interested and have the time to donate. Join us by emailing Gittel Evangelist at

We truly can make a difference, and we believe we are called to do so. But RMM has limited resources and staffing. We need allies to join us if we are going to make a difference. Please pass this request on to others whom you think might have the experience and commitment to join us.