Support the TEMP Bill


Dear Allies of RMM,

It is hot outside!   And as you may have read in the New York Times, this is becoming more and more of an issue for New York’s farmworkers. There is new legislation that would take some steps to mitigate exposure to the heat for the farmworkers. We need your help in getting it passed.

We ask you to reach out to New York State Legislators and urge them to pass the Temperature Extreme Mitigation Program (TEMP) Bill — S.1604E (Ramos)/A.08935A (Bronson).  This Bill will not only benefit farmworkers, but all workers in New York.

Here is an article in the New York Times that captures the issue (subscription required):

Specifically, you can do the following:

  • Call your State Senator and/or Assembly member and ask them to pass the Temperature Extreme Mitigation Program (TEMP) Bill. It is Bill S.1604E in the Senate, and Bill A.8935A in the Assembly. (The whole Bill is linked above.)
  • Reach out to Speaker Carl Heastie (Speaker of the Assembly at or 518-455-3791, and Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins (President Pro Tem of the Senate) at or 518-455-2585, and tell them you support the passage of this Bill.

Thanks so much!


The Staff of RMM